Dip - определение. Что такое Dip
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Что (кто) такое Dip - определение

Dip (disambiguation); DIP (disambiguation); DIP
Найдено результатов: 218
¦ verb (dips, dipping, dipped)
1. (dip something in/into) put or let something down quickly or briefly in or into (liquid).
make (a candle) by immersing a wick repeatedly in hot wax.
2. sink, drop, or slope downwards.
(of a level or amount) temporarily become lower or smaller.
lower or move downwards.
Brit. lower the beam of (a vehicle's headlights).
3. (dip into) put a hand or implement into (a bag or container) in order to take something out.
spend from or make use of (one's financial resources).
4. (dip out) Austral./NZ informal fail.
¦ noun
1. an act of dipping, especially a brief swim.
2. a thick sauce in which pieces of food are dipped before eating.
3. a brief downward slope followed by an upward one.
an instance of dropping briefly before rising again.
4. the angle made with the horizontal at any point by the earth's magnetic field.
Geology the angle a stratum makes with the horizontal.
Astronomy & Surveying the apparent depression of the horizon from the line of observation, due to the curvature of the earth.
5. N. Amer. informal a stupid or foolish person.
dip one's toe into (or in) begin to do (something) cautiously.
OE dyppan, of Gmc origin; related to deep.
Dial-up Internet Protocol (Reference: Linux)
Dual In-line Package (Reference: IC, DRAM)
1) to eavesdrop on someone's conversation
Hey, quit dipping, I wasn't talking to you.
2) to leave somewhere quickly, to make a speedy return.
I'm about to dip to the store and get gallon of milk.
(dips, dipping, dipped)
If you dip something in a liquid, you put it into the liquid for a short time, so that only part of it is covered, and take it out again.
Quickly dip the base in and out of cold water.
VERB: V n into/in n
Dip is also a noun.
One dip into the bottle should do an entire nail.
If you dip your hand into a container or dip into the container, you put your hand into it in order to take something out of it.
She dipped a hand into the jar of sweets and pulled one out...
Watch your fingers as you dip into the pot...
Ask the children to guess what's in each container by dipping their hands in.
VERB: V n into n, V into n, V n with in
If something dips, it makes a downward movement, usually quite quickly.
Blake jumped in expertly; the boat dipped slightly under his weight...
The sun dipped below the horizon.
VERB: V, V prep
Dip is also a noun.
I noticed little things, a dip of the head, a twitch in the shoulder.
If an area of land, a road, or a path dips, it goes down quite suddenly to a lower level.
The road dipped and rose again.
...a path which suddenly dips down into a tunnel.
VERB: V, V adv/prep
Dip is also a noun.
Where the road makes a dip, turn right.
If the amount or level of something dips, it becomes smaller or lower, usually only for a short period of time.
Unemployment dipped to 6.9 per cent last month...
The president became more cautious as his popularity dipped.
= fall
VERB: V prep/adv, V
Dip is also a noun.
...the current dip in farm spending.
N-COUNT: oft N in n
A dip is a thick creamy sauce. You dip pieces of raw vegetable or biscuits into the sauce and then eat them.
Maybe we could just buy some dips.
...prawns with avocado dip.
If you have or take a dip, you go for a quick swim in the sea, a river, or a swimming pool.
She flicked through a romantic paperback between occasional dips in the pool.
= swim
If you are driving a car and dip the headlights, you operate a switch that makes them shine downwards, so that they do not shine directly into the eyes of other drivers. (BRIT; in AM, use dim
He dipped his headlights as they came up behind a slow-moving van...
This picture shows the view from a car using normal dipped lights.
VERB: V n, V-ed
If you dip into a book, you have a brief look at it without reading or studying it seriously.
...a chance to dip into a wide selection of books on Tibetan Buddhism.
VERB: V into n
If you dip into a sum of money that you had intended to save, you use some of it to buy something or pay for something.
Just when she was ready to dip into her savings, Greg hastened to her rescue.
VERB: V into n
to dip your toes: see toe
see also lucky dip
¦ abbreviation
1. Computing document image processing.
2. Electronics dual in-line package.
short swim
1) to have (BE), take a dip
semiliquid food
2) a cheese dip
v. (d; intr.) to dip into ('to withdraw from') (to dip into one's savings)
I. v. a.
Immerse, plunge, douse, souse.
Take out (with a ladle, cup, etc.), ladle.
Baptize by immersion.
II. v. n.
Thrust a ladle (cup, etc., into a liquid).
Incline, tend downward.
Engage cursorily, enter slightly.
Dive, plunge, duck, pitch, immerse one's self.
·vi To dip snuff.
II. Dip ·noun A dipped candle.
III. Dip ·vt To plunge or engage thoroughly in any affair.
IV. Dip ·vt To immerse for baptism; to baptize by immersion.
V. Dip ·vt To engage as a pledge; to Mortgage.
VI. Dip ·noun The action of dipping or plunging for a moment into a liquid.
VII. Dip ·vt To wet, as if by immersing; to Moisten.
VIII. Dip ·noun A liquid, as a sauce or gravy, served at table with a ladle or spoon.
IX. Dip ·noun Inclination downward; direction below a horizontal line; slope; pitch.
X. Dip ·vi To incline downward from the plane of the horizon; as, strata of rock dip.
XI. Dip ·vi To immerse one's self; to become plunged in a liquid; to Sink.
XII. Dip ·vi To Pierce; to Penetrate;
- followed by in or into.
XIII. Dip ·vt To plunge or immerse; especially, to put for a moment into a liquid; to insert into a fluid and withdraw again.
XIV. Dip ·vi To enter slightly or cursorily; to engage one's self desultorily or by the way; to partake limitedly;
- followed by in or into.
XV. Dip ·vi To perform the action of plunging some receptacle, as a dipper, ladle. ·etc.; into a liquid or a soft substance and removing a part.
XVI. Dip ·add. ·noun A sudden drop followed by a climb, usually to avoid obstacles or as the result of getting into an Airhole.
XVII. Dip ·vt To take out, by dipping a dipper, ladle, or other receptacle, into a fluid and removing a part;
- often with out; as, to dip water from a boiler; to dip out water.
XVIII. Dip ·add. ·noun In the turpentine industry, the viscid exudation, which is dipped out from incisions in the trees; as, virgin dip (the runnings of the first year), yellow dip (the runnings of subsequent years).
XIX. Dip ·add. ·noun A gymnastic exercise on the parallel bars in which the performer, resting on his hands, lets his arms bend and his body sink until his chin is level with the bars, and then raises himself by straightening his arms.



Dip or DIP, may refer to: